Creamy Southern Grits: A Recipe to Warm Your Soul

Creamy Southern Grits: A Recipe to Warm Your Soul

Last Updated on: 6th May 2024, 08:56 pm



Discover the Secret to the Best Grits Ever!



Creamy Southern Grits: A Comforting Classic

Grits, a staple in many Southern households, evoke memories of warmth and comfort.  Growing up, my weekends were filled with the aroma of cornmeal porridge, fried dumplings, and sweet plantains.  While cornmeal porridge was our family tradition, grits and polenta have become beloved porridge options across America.  In my childhood, I enjoyed grits with sugar and a slice of yellow cheese, a preference that may have roots in New York.


Embracing Southern Cuisine in Florida

Moving to Florida after my parents' divorce introduced me to Southern diner culture, with Denny's and Waffle House becoming familiar frequent spots. You may know I have a pancake complex from reading my blog posts "Pancakes with Crispy Edges" and "The Pancake Guru".  Denny's, with its 24-hour service and budget-friendly deals, was a favorite among college students like me.  But when craving grits with bacon, eggs, and toast, the Waffle House always hit the spot.  It wasn't until my time in Florida that I fully appreciated the significance of grits in Southern cuisine.


A Culinary Evolution

My culinary journey led me to adapt my grits preparation, inspired by the rich Southern flavors around me.  Out went the sugar, replaced by extra butter and sharp cheddar cheese, transforming my grits into a creamy indulgence.  This culinary evolution was further enriched by time spent with friends and their families, where I experienced the joys of homemade Southern cooking, from savory baked beans to soul-warming collard greens and comforting cornbread.


The Quest for Creamy Grits

After returning to New York post-college, a friend and fellow chef shared the secret to creamy Southern grits: using stone-ground grits and adding milk or cream.  Incorporating this technique elevated my grits to new heights, adding a luxurious creaminess that became a permanent fixture in my recipe.  Now, I swear by a blend of half water and half milk or cream for the perfect grits every time.


Exploring New Flavors

Continuing my culinary exploration, I recently discovered the addition of crème fraiche to grits, courtesy of another talented chef, Brittney.  While I've yet to try this variation myself, the combination promises to be a delightful fusion of flavors.


Happy Cooking, Y'all!

Indulge in the comfort of creamy Southern grits and elevate your dining experience with this easy-to-follow recipe.  Whether enjoyed for breakfast, brunch, or as a comforting side dish, these grits are sure to warm your soul and tantalize your taste buds.


Bon Appétit,

Chef Abyssinia



shrimp and grits

Best Grits Ever!

creamy country style grits
5 from 3 votes
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Total Time 40 minutes
Course Appetizer, Breakfast, brunch, Main Course, Side Dish
Cuisine American, comfort, southern
Servings 2 people


  • Pot
  • Whisk or Fork
  • appetite



  • 1 cup milk
  • 1 cup water
  • 2 tbsp butter
  • 1/3 cup grits instant grits
  • 1/4 cup cheddar cheese shredded
  • TT Salt & Pepper TT = To taste

Shrimp & Grits

Shrimp Marinade

  • 10 each Jumbo Shrimp peeled & deveined
  • 1 each Garlic Clove minced or grated
  • 2 each Scallion green onion
  • 1/2 tsp Salt
  • 1/4 tsp Pepper
  • 1/4 tsp Smoked Paprika if you like spice, add cayenne pepper as well
  • 1 tbsp Olive oil or melted butter (unsalted)
  • TT Salt & Pepper to taste

Additional ingredients to cook shrimp

  • 1/2 cup Broth or stock chicken, veg, or seafood
  • 1/4 cup White wine
  • 1 tbsp Butter unsalted
  • Fresh lemon juice
  • Parsley chopped



  • In a medium-size pot, add 1 cup milk and 1 cup water along with 2 tbsp butter, and 1 tsp of salt, bring to a simmer.
  • Keep an eye on your liquid and continue to stir as it heats. Be careful the mixture does not boil over
  • Once hot, slowly whisk in grits. Cover the pot with a lid and continue to cook on medium-low heat for about 20 minutes
  • As your grits cook, stir them often to be sure your grits are not sticking to the bottom of the pot or clumping up
  • After about 20 minutes of cooking, taste your grits to test out the texture and consistency. You want them to be not too hard but also not too mushy, there should be some texture remaining.
  • For the consistency, you want them to be creamy, but not runny. If grits are too thick, add more liquid.
  • Once your desired texture and consistency has been reached, add cheese, 1 tbsp of butter and salt and pepper to taste
  • Serve & Enjoy!

Shrimp & Grits

  • Clean your shrimp and pat dry with a paper towel. Remove shrimp tails if desired.
  • In a mixing bowl add all of your ingredients, mix together until shrimp is fully coated. Cover with plastic wrap and marinate for at least 15 minutes.
  • To cook your shrimp heat a large non-stick saute pan or skillet over medium heat.
  • Once your pan is hot, add in your shrimp. Cook your shrimp for about 2 minutes on each side or until the internal temp reaches 120 degrees F.
  • Once your shrimp is fully cooked, deglaze your pan with 1/4 cup white wine, let the wine cook down for about 1 minute, and then add in 1/2 cup of broth or stock
  • Turn your flame off, vigorously whisk in 1tbsp of cold butter and finish your shrimp with a squeeze of fresh lemon and some chopped parsley
  • Taste and add additional salt and pepper if desired
  • Enjoy your shrimp over your creamy cheddar cheese grits!

Alternate Add Ons for Grits

  • Shrimp
  • Chicken
  • Sausage
  • Eggs
  • Bacon
  • you could eat anything with grits really



Don't forget to have fun and make this recipe your own! Modify ingredients to your liking
Keyword creamy grits, grits, shrimp & grits
Tried this recipe?Mention @ChefAbyssinia on FB or Instagram!

3 thoughts on “Creamy Southern Grits: A Recipe to Warm Your Soul”

      • 5 stars
        I was raised by A South Carolina mother and a Georgia father so grits were a great part of our food. Grits were for breakfast ,sometime for lunch and a lot of times for dinner My mother would make them in the morning with salmon cakes, bacon ,eggs or Sasage Sometimes even fried salt pork or fi!sh. And for dinner she sometimes just fried chicken and we had chicken and grits .

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